Read and Reflect

My articles reflect my opinions, nonetheless I try to stay open minded and I stimulate you to do your own thinking.

Ukraine Jan Siebenga Ukraine Jan Siebenga

Do you want russia to win?

In surgery, it all comes down to whether to do surgery or not. There can be all kinds of circumstances that have an influence on this decision, but in the end, the decision is to do an operation or not. The situation in the illegal war of russia against Ukraine, is actually not very different. Do you want russia to win or not?

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Ukraine Jan Siebenga Ukraine Jan Siebenga

History Repeats, Ukraine Again Plaything of Foreign Politics. Part II: Why Escalation Now?

Ukraine’s history has been stormy, to put it mildly, and Freedom has always been a scarce thing. Ukraine means borderland, and throughout history, this has been an appropriate name. Ukraine has been at war with Russia for eight years. The USA and Western Europe tend to forget that. All this time, this has attracted ample attention from Western media or politicians. So what has changed? Why the sudden attention to this conflict?

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Ukraine Jan Siebenga Ukraine Jan Siebenga

History Repeats, Ukraine Again Plaything of Foreign Politics. Part I: a Short History of Ukraine

This picture shows the colors of the Ukrainian flag; the upper half is blue, the lower half is yellow. Ukraine is an agricultural country, so it is easy to see the blue sky above a yellow field of wheat. The combination of blue and yellow as a symbol of Ukrainian lands comes from the flag of the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia used in the 12th century.

The trident of Ukraine is also depicted in this picture. As a state emblem, the trident dates back to Kyivan Rus, when it was the coat of arms of the Riurykide dynasty. There are four letters recognizable, воля, or volya, which means Freedom. Ukraine’s history has been stormy, to put it mildly, and Freedom has always been a scarce thing. Ukraine means borderland, and throughout history, this has been an appropriate name. Ukraine has been at war with Russia for eight years. The USA and Western Europe tend to forget that. All this time, this has attracted ample attention from Western media or politicians. So what has changed? Why the sudden attention to this conflict?

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Philosophy, Society Jan Siebenga Philosophy, Society Jan Siebenga

Critical Thinking: Your Weapon Against News Bias And Propaganda

Humans are self-deceiving animals. We can rationalize anything we want and believe anything, and these believes can even lead to genocides. Something is true because we always believed it, because we want to believe it, or because people around us believe it. This leads to errors in our thinking, biases, unground fears, and misinterpretation, just to name a few. To defend ourselves for these kind of errors, there is a weapon called critical thinking. In this article, I will describe critical thinking and how you can develop it.

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Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

Is the Euro Dead?

The unsavory Euro project started with the Stability Pact in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty. The Euro was introduced the first of January 2002; almost twenty years later, it is time to end the experiment and say goodbye to the Euro.

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Psychology Jan Siebenga Psychology Jan Siebenga

Grey Rock Method, or How to Defend Yourself Against Manipulative And Toxic People

People who manipulate others feed on the drama they get when they can generate a strong emotion in others. If they can no longer get the response they seek, they often lose interest and move on. So when you are with someone whose actions toward you can set you off, become a grey rock. Imagine you are just there, boring, dull, gray. Be the most uninteresting person you can be. Grey rocking is a technique for interacting with manipulative and abusive people. This can include people with narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and toxic people without a mental health diagnosis. This article will tell you more about the grey rock method.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

Pfizer Vaccine Got FDA Approved, so What?

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (Comirnaty) got FDA approval. Politicians and policymakers are tumbling over each other to stress that there now really is no excuse not to take the jab, and Biden is thrilled with this news because it distracts people from the terrible things happening in Afghanistan. But what is the real significance of this approval? Is the vaccine suddenly safe now?

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Space Jan Siebenga Space Jan Siebenga

9th Anniversary of Rover Mission!

It is the 3167th Martian day, or sol, of the Rover mission. Curiosity climbs Mount Sharp within the basin of Gale Crater. And the Mastcam shoots the fantastic panorama you see above. Curiosity landed nine years ago, on Aug. 5, 2012 PDT (Aug. 6, 2012 EDT), to study whether different Martian environments could have supported microbial life in the planet’s ancient past when lakes and groundwater existed within Gale Crater.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

Vaccine Fanatics Have Achieved More Than The Anti-vaxxers Have Ever Been Able To Do

Coercing people to get COVID-19 vaccines is damaging trust In public health: states Harvard Professor Kulldorf, one of the world’s leading epidemiologists. There is mounting pressure on people to get vaccinated, and mandatory vaccination is discussed and implemented. But, aside from the long-term implications this can give, some collateral damage is already showing.

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Space Jan Siebenga Space Jan Siebenga

New Feature Discovered in One of the Milky Way’s Spiral Arms

Scientists have spotted a previously unrecognized feature of our Milky Way galaxy: A contingent of young stars and star-forming gas clouds is sticking out of one of the Milky Way’s spiral arms like a splinter poking out from a plank of wood. The structure stretches some 3,000 light-years. What makes it special is its orientation which is dramatically different from the arm’s. The newly discovered feature offers insight into the large-scale structure of our galaxy.

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Society Jan Siebenga Society Jan Siebenga

Fictional Alarmism, Time for Some Debunking. Part I: Climate

When the news bulletin on television starts to use Hollywood film footage, you know you are being lied to big time! And this is exactly what happened in the Netherlands after the release of the IPCC report. A dramatic clip was shown with footage of forest fires, floods, and… footage from the disaster movie `The Day After Tomorrow.´ So what does this mean, and what does it tell us about the times we are in now?

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COVID, Society Jan Siebenga COVID, Society Jan Siebenga

Ausweis Bitte!!! (Pass, please!!!) Do We Really Want to Go Back There With the COVID-19 or Green Pass?

First, a disclaimer, this article is written with the utmost respect to the suffering of especially the Jews in World War 2. This remains one of the darkest pages in modern history, and the suffering that has been caused in this war is beyond comprehension. This suffering was not only experienced by Jews, but by gypsies, gays, mental diseased, civilians, soldiers etc. It is still hard to grasp and to realize how many people have been influenced by this. It is easy to say that this only happened because there were evil people. However, we have to face the truth, the second World War was caused by ordinary people making ordinary choices, but which led step by step to this horrific period. It is about the road that led us there. I use this example not because I think we are already there but because I want to prevent that we end up in a similar situation. This never again.

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