Fictional Alarmism, Time for Some Debunking. Part II: Social Issues

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When the news bulletin on television starts to use Hollywood film footage, you know you are being lied to big time! And this is exactly what happened in the Netherlands after the release of the IPCC report. A dramatic clip was shown with footage of forest fires, floods, and… footage from the disaster movie `The Day After Tomorrow.´ So what does this mean, and what does it tell us about the times we are in now?

Truth Died

If the narrative is a lie, it doesn´t matter that what is shown in the mainstream media is also fiction.

Even fact-checking has become a way to influence the public and has nothing to do with fact-checking, but more with checking if the information fits the current narrative. Thus, the public discourse is entirely killed. The IPCC report tells us that things were never this bad. Well, this rings a bell. Since my childhood, I remember the message that things couldn´t get worse. If everything which was predicted had come true, the world would be destroyed because of a nuclear war between the USA and USSR, AIDS would have killed us all, there would be no animals anymore, we would have run out of oil, acid rain would have destroyed all forests, the Amazon would be a desert now, there would be no ozone layer left, and we would live in an ice age now (remember? Ice age…, and now we have to believe that Earth will warm up by 5 degrees). This list is not extensive, but I could reproduce this list within one minute.

So now we have to believe that the Earth will warm up by five degrees, that the problem of discrimination has never been so big, that the police is dangerous and should be defunded, that the only way to get women emancipated is to kill men (especially white men), actually, emancipation is not necessary because we have to believe that we are gender fluid, and sea levels will rise to dangerous heights. Ah, and let´s not forget, all of this is, of course, our fault, and we have to teach our kids that they are guilty unless they exactly do what the MSM, WHO, UN etc. is telling them to do. It is hard to keep track of all the threats and fears we should be afraid of nowadays.

In this article, I will try to shed another light on some of the `problems´ we are supposed to be afraid of. Part I was about climate-related matters, part II is about social issues.

Debunking Gender Fluidity

From a biological point of view, it is pretty simple, either you are XX (woman) or XY (man). Some rare hereditary disorders, like Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), can give something different, but they are sporadic exceptions. We all start off as `woman´; the only difference is that with XY, levels of testosterone will be higher, and this will make that the `woman´ develops as a man. Testosterone receptors in our tissues react on the testosterone and hence develop in male versions.

There is a group that is very unfortunate, transsexuals. Luckily, this is also a rare condition (1 in 30,000 people). Transsexuals feel that they are in the `wrong´ body. So a male will feel that he is a woman, a woman will feel that she is a man. So to be clear, this has nothing to do with being heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, or homosexual; this is how you `feel´ in your body. One of the theories is that our brain also has testosterone receptors, and maybe they function in a different way in transsexuals. An interesting aspect is that this feeling already manifests itself at a young age, 3–4 years old. In today’s `wokeness´ culture, this transsexuality is exploited, and it leads to `woke´ people saying there is no gender, there is genderfluidity. Well, ironically, the existence of transsexuality is exactly proof that there are two main sexualities. If gender fluidity really existed, there would be no transsexuals, because they would not feel so strongly that they are in the `wrong´ body because there would be no dichotomy.

Debunking Discrimination

First, a disclaimer, in the following, I am not trying to tell that racism or discrimination doesn´t exist. It exists, and it will exist. We are people, and our brain likes to put things into neat categories and tries to oversimplify; black vs. white, good vs. bad, etc. But real life is more complicated than that. Some white people are good, and some are bad. And this goes for all races. If you want to read more about this, you can read this article about identity politics. The point is that at this moment, we are not living in times where discrimination and racism have never been so bad.

Well, in a way, today it is bad, but maybe in another way than expected. Did you know that there is a school in Atlanta with separated classes for blacks and whites? I guess you didn´t expect that in 2021, me neither. But now comes the irony, these separated classes were installed by the principal, who is a black woman. (see reference)

The violence of police against blacks has led to outcries and demands for defunding the police. How defunding the police is helping to reduce violence and increase safety on the streets is a mystery to me. But let´s start with the premise that there is a BIG problem with the violence of white people against blacks. Also, here, the facts tell a completely different story compared to that of the mainstream media. If there is a problem of violence against blacks, the majority is caused by black people.

Debunk Percentage-US-Homicide-Victims-by-Race-of-Victim-and-Offender-2008.png

This was in 2008, so maybe you will say that is a long time ago, things have changed. Unfortunately not.

This is data from the FBI. (see reference)

This is data from the FBI. (see reference)

Rising crime rates are not accidental. Instead, increasing crime is the logical result of releasing thousands of criminals from prison, defunding and defaming the police, and empowering woke mayors and prosecutors to contextualize crime as the fault of society, not the criminal. In response, millions of Americans now simply avoid the mayhem of big cities in blue states. Race relations have regressed 50 years. Under the mania of critical race theory, the color of our skin is now deemed essential to who we are. Most Americans still integrate and assimilate, and many intermarry. But the current woke revolution is an elite, top-down effort to smear a self-critical and always improving nation as some sort of contemporary racist hellhole.

There is also bigotry. Diversity is important, and discrimination is wrong, but white men, or people who don´t want the COVID vaccine, can safely be excluded. This is the new apartheid that is coming up. We should be aware of this and not allow this to happen. You have to realize that if you show your COVID pass, you are an accomplish to a system that discriminates and divides our society.

All of this is being done in the name of progression. If progression means `going backward,´ then these people engaging in discrimination or racially motivated malicious behavior are correct. Use your common sense, look at the data, and see that this alarmism is fictional.

Interesting Links:

Fictional Alarmism, Time for Some Debunking. Part I: Climate

The Problem Of Identity Politics

Ausweis Bitte!!! (Pass, please!!!) Do We Really Want to Go Back There With the COVID-19 or Green Pass?


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Fictional Alarmism, Time for Some Debunking. Part I: Climate