COVID-19 is the New Cult

COVID cult Screenshot 2020-11-20 203428.jpg

COVID-19 is the new cult, without the religious aspect. COVID-19 is real, but how we deal with it starts looking like cult-like behavior. There are some unsettling similarities between elements of a cult and how we deal with COVID-19. Read this story, compare the situation with what you see and experience in your own life, and see if you can recognize the similarities.

Why is it similar to a cult?

The danger of this cult is that the leaders brainwash the members. Consequently, the members can give up their freedom and even their physical and psychological health to the cult. That is not even the worst option: in this cult, the leaders can punish, take away freedom, and even bypass the constitution. Cults use behavioral control. This cult has authoritarian leaders to whom people unconditionally obey. Cult members must follow the leaders´ rules regarding whether they work (from home or the office), if their children are allowed to go to school or not, where they should spend their free time, and what social rules apply (social distancing, no hugs, no handshakes), and they are not allowed to meet in groups.

The cult uses emotional control; leaders manipulate their followers through fear. By threatening with death by COVID-19, the leaders scare the people, and in this way, the people are afraid and stop thinking. Most cult members feel fear and are afraid of what may happen to them should they choose not to follow the cult’s rules. And if you believe the mainstream media, it is hard not to be fearful; every day, we are confronted with the number of deaths and number of cases (or, to be more precise, the number of positively tested people). The mainstream media is not putting it in perspective and not giving the complete picture. The leaders give us propaganda, the media are fear-mongering and brainwashing.

The cult tries to attract more people, so the mains stream media is actively engaged in promoting their doctrine. It is almost impossible to detach yourself from it. The cult members are under a continuous bombardment of the cult´s doctrines through the mainstream media. If someone tries to challenge the doctrines, he has the chance to be put aside as a conspiracy thinker or wearing a tinfoil hat. Messages put on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube, which challenge the cult’s ideas, will be removed. So it is tough for the cult members to escape their bubble.

The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective.

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

The doctrines of the cult claim the unfailing of their leaders. Their level of knowledge is unattainable for the followers, so it cannot be discussed. The leaders´ thoughts, opinions, and belief systems are considered absolute truth. The cult-members see their leaders’ teachings as law and refuse to accept any other source’s knowledge or information. The leaders practice information control; they deliberately withhold or distort information, lie, propagandize, and limit access to other information sources. The cult also uses thought control; cult leaders use loaded words and language, discourage critical thinking, bar any speech critical of cult leaders or policies, and teach an `us vs. everyone else` doctrine. The cult is anti-intellectual and inhibits members’ exposure to alternative (and often competing) ideas or theories. Skepticism is not allowed. Obedience to the leaders is totalitarian in nature. Even if the people think that their participation is voluntary and democratic, actually, the structure is rigorous.

The people who wear masks, do social distancing, disinfect their hands, and take the vaccine are told that they will be saved. The main implication is that the cult followers are better than ordinary people or non-believers. They consider themselves to be the cream of the crop; they are on a special mission to save humanity. For cult members, it is important to see the difference between themselves and the world. Therefore they wear mouth masks. They do this to feel the connection with the cult and distance themselves from ordinary people.

The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance. … How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!

Mark Twain

The cult is changing its goals; first, it was flattening the curve, then it was bringing down the number of deaths, and now it is getting the number of positive tested people down. This changing of goals is done silently, it is not discussed, and it is not allowed to ask questions. The ends justify the means.

Remember, if you ask a cult-member if they are part of a cult, they usually will deny it. There is a strong us versus them mentality. Humans are social creatures who long to be part of a group. If they are made to feel guilty or shameful for something they’ve done, they’re more likely to fall in line and conform to the rest of the group. If you don´t follow the rules, you are considered irresponsible and selfish.

How do you get someone out of this cult?

That is not an easy one, especially because this cult is spread almost over the whole world. If you want to get a cult member out of the cult, try to have one-on-one time, and be gentle. Ask questions, and make sure you have facts and can show proof. Asking questions encourages the cult member to think in a critical, independent way. Make the cult member feel safe and stay non-judgmental. And remember, it will take time. It is hard for a cult member to give up their ideas, and it is hard to acknowledge for people that they are deceived. People in the cult are not crazy; they are the same intelligent, creative, and interesting individuals as people outside the cult. They are just afraid and want to save the world and them with it. The ideals of the group are quite attractive on a superficial level. And remember, criticizing the cult is the same as criticizing your friend; there is a strong identification with the cult. Try not to blame, condemn or judge, but keep talking and keep the dialogue going. In time, the scales will start to fall from their eyes. It is essential that they come to the realization themselves, with your help, but without you forcing it on them.

Interesting links:

How To Recognize That You Are Being Brainwashed

Ausweis Bitte!!! (Pass, please!!!) Do We Really Want to Go Back There With the COVID-19 or Green Pass?


I used information from the books written by R.M. Enroth. He has been a Professor of Sociology and is the author of books concerning cults.

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